Prior to selecting an anti aging skin care system, do take a moment and determine your skin type.
You may find that time has changed your skin. It is not unusual for your skin to become drier as you mature.
When you know your skin type and choose the anti aging skin care system that is specifically prepared for that skin type, you are taking the initial steps to protecting and enhancing with a luxurious facial treatment.
There are basically four skin types.
Each skin type requires the same steps when cleansing, conditioning and moisturizing.
Although the process is the same, the certified organic ingredients in the cleanser, conditioner and moisturizer are specifically selected and prepared to cater to your skin type.
Earlier you read about how the skin ages and the 7 culprits that contribute to the aging process. Some additional skin changes that you may be noticing are the result of aging.
Now you can learn how to begin anti aging your skin by gently cleansing, conditioning and moisturizing regularly in the morning and in the evening.
Although you may feel that everyone knows this information, please bear with me and discover an anti aging skin care system that gently pampers your skin, leaving it radiant.
Cleansing removes the top layer of dead cells, oil, perspiration and pollution. If your skin is not properly cleansed it becomes dull and flaky.
The oil glands block up with dirt and cellular waste, causing breakouts and congestion.
A rich, emollient cleanser formulated with pure water and rejuvenating
certified organic plants softens and freshens, gently removing perspiration and pollution. Your skin type determines which cleanser is your best choice.
To cleanse your face:
Due to the gentleness of the skin cleansers, if you are wearing make-up, a second cleanse may be necessary.
Cleanse your face in the morning and in the evening before retiring, no matter how tired you are.
To maintain that glow, remove those dead cells, oil, perspiration and pollution that your skin has accumulated during your busy day.
Conditioning is a vital step in the skincare routine. Conditioning has a twofold purpose: firstly, to feed the skin with nutrients in the water-soluble botanicals, organic herbs, vitamins and essential oils, and secondly, to provide a hydration base for the moisturizer to lock in. Choose a conditioner that matches your skin type.
To condition the skin on your face:
Apply Conditioner to your face twice daily (am/pm) immediatly after you have cleansed your skin.
Anti Aging Secret
If you notice blotchy redness and broken capillaries on your skin, apply a soothing Gel before you apply moisturizer.
Taking this step in caring for your skin, helps to reduce the redness.
Moisturizing is another important step when anti aging your skin. It is
imperative that you use a rich, certified organic, moisturizing cream that has a significant and lasting effect on hydration and softness. A moisturizer that matches your skin type is the best choice.
Do take advantage of the skin essentials paks. They are available for each skin type.
To moisturize your skin:
It is a good idea to always apply moisture in the same way, that way you are sure to moisturize all areas.
Begin with the decolletage area, then the throat and face, ending with your forehead.
Although you are patting, the moisturizer onto your skin, always pat with a gentle upward pressure.
Apply moisturizer to your face morning and evening.
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